Family and friends out in "blog-land" today is a good day! I started introducing dairy into my diet over the weekend and so far Emma is handling it fine! I might just be the happiest girl on earth!
In other news, today I would have been 38 weeks pregnant with 2 weeks or less to go. Instead, our Emma is almost 6 weeks old (Friday) and weighing about 8 pounds now. Today I went for my first postpartum block jog followed by walking :) It's hard to believe I was running 10 miles at a time and training for the mini-marathon when I found out I was pregnant. Now I can barely walk to the mailbox without getting tired. I still have 9 of the 40 pounds I gained to lose and they aren't coming off as fast as the others. Any suggestions?? Please don't suggest giving up dairy! I love it too much.
Daisy and I share a common love for cheese (see the video below for our cheese celebration!) It's short and a little dark but I think you'll get the idea!
Yeah Cheese!
Gracie does the same thing - she knows the sound of cheese being unwrapped from the wrapper and comes flying into the kitchen. Too funny
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