Sep 11, 2008

No Picture Today

Well, the object of my camera affection is out of service. At some point last night, Miss E scratched herself in the face and left two decent marks on her face. I just couldn't photograph her injuries. She had another visit from the home health nurse today and I was so worried about what she would think. I mustered up all my courage and did a very scary thing....I cut her finger nails. Why didn't anyone tell me how awful that is! I was sweating bullets while she was sleeping totally unaware of the impending meltdown I would have if I cut too short. Sheesh! Tonight she is swaddled like a crazy person sporting a straight jacket. Hopefully there won't be anymore injuries in the morning!


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Cutting the nails gets easier - I promise. But I know what you mean, I remember exactly when and where I first cut Lil' Man's nails and I too was sweating bullets!!!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute.
Bite those nails! It's a lot easier, and no sweat.
See you all soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Danny.
