Aug 8, 2009

Emma's First Steps!!!

First try....

second try...just can't let go!

Third time is a charm!


Tricia said...

YAY Emma!!! I can't believe she will be 1 in less than a week!

Emily said...


kurtkristi said...

Ahh how precious, way to go Emma!!!!

Debbie Corbin said...

Oh no, now you will never get any rest. At least you will get some calories burnt before going to the beach!

Meredith and Adrian said...

YAY Congrats on your first steps, Emma!!!!!

rbeasley said...

Way to go Emma!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Where has the time gone? How is it possible that she is walking??? I tried to get her to show off her new skills at church on Sunday :) Way to go Emma!!!!!