Aug 7, 2009

One Year Ago Today.....

I had the most awesome work baby shower EVER! I just got these pictures from my friend who has saved them a whole year! Thanks!! I wish you could see the number of people who came to celebrate. Thanks to everyone who attended. I remember someone commenting that 31 weeks was kinda early to be having a baby shower. :) I can't help but look at these two naive parents-to-be and think about the journey we had in store for us.  I also can't believe I weighed 180 pounds in these pictures!!

The Food!!
My "Emma" cake

P.S.  It is totally worth the laugh to click on these pictures and stare in shock at the size of my feet.  That was not a fun part of the pregnancy.  Also one year ago today we were doing this.

1 comment:

kurtkristi said...

And to think a week later Miss Emma made her early appearance!! By the way hoping to mail out her
1st birthday present soon!!