My mornings are insane. We will just start there, but even in the chaos there is order. My favorite part of my morning is seeing my girl's big smile when she wakes up. It is so pure it melts my heart. Then then drama begins, but after I somehow manage to get myself and Emma dressed, bags packed, lunch made, wrestle Emma into her coat, get out the door without spilling my coffee while blocking a charging labradoodle who gets far too few trips out the front door, I settle into my routine. Once in the car Emma says "bye-bye" to Daisy, we turn the radio up and sing all the way to daycare. This is the part I love. I drink my coffee, laugh at all the road rage around us, relax and wake up.
Here's the problem (you kinda knew it was coming right?) Part of my "routine" (and I use this word loosely) is to drop Emma off, and after parking in the garage for work I put my make up on. Its nice. I get to listen to music and to be honest, if I did it at home I would (and have looked) like the Joker from Batman Returns. Picture it.
Last week I was a little rushed during my makeup routine and got the mascara wand stuck in my hair. Jet black mascara. After a few minutes of gently trying to untwist the strands of hair from the wand, I finally just yanked it out. So there I was, with a huge chunk of jet black hair that was stiff as a board (love this mascara by the way). I tied it all back into a ponytail, but there was no way to hide my untamed inverse skunk streak. And off the work I went. I'm sure people thought I was trying a new trend but what could I do? I couldn't wash it out in the sink, its water proof (still love it though)
Today I wore two different shoes. One is a flat, one has a heel. At least they are the same color. I should get credit for that. They are also almost identical (except for the heel). Thank heavens I had a spare pair in the car when I realized it. 100% true. Now You Know.
LOL, hahaha, too funny. I know, I know, I can you hear you now, laugh now cause soon it's gonna be you!!! I know and I am!!! LOL
Laughing my a%# off!!!! That is hilarious.
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