Nov 3, 2009

There's that smile!

I've had to go to long without Emma's sweet smile. Today was a really good day for her, full of smiles and lots of sass. She now understands what "no" means and uses that darn word far too much. She also woke up from her sickness with a new talent for opening the cupboards and all things mischievous. I guess she missed Halloween so she is doing all of her "tricking" now.

"sister Emma" (she loves this game. Also a big hit is
"diaper head baby" a.k.a wearing a diaper on her head)
Emma's new favorite thing is
BUBBAS!!! (bubbles)
This is her grampa Riggs impression with mustache and beard

8 teeth and counting!

Try to catch this little streaker after
bath time. It's like catching a cockroach, you have
to be verrry fast! (This little streaker also pees on the floor)
Santa, did you notice my shirt??
my new favorite trick. Open my drawers and empty
them out!!!! (mom loves this one)


Meredith and Adrian said...

Emma updates always put a smile on my face! Peeing on the floor, eh? Carter doesn't even do that! Try crate training...Kidding! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Emma looks like she is really feeling well and so glad to see. I love the "Nooo" response tubby video, I had to watch over and over, heheheh cute.

Love Nanny in VA

Mrs.A said...

Sooo glad to see Emma is feeling better! That definitely puts a smile on my face! :D

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Yay! I'm so glad she's feeling better. I love the streaking picture :)