33 3/4 inches tall
28 pounds, 14.5 oz
Super brilliant, seriously.
While trying to talk to the doctor (professionally, you know) Emma drops her hair tie down my shirt.
Me: It's okay, ignore it. Never happened. (more talk about ears and such).
Then I feel a little hand going right down the front of my shirt.....then an announcement
Oh, right sorry doctor. She can say 51 words, not 50. I completely forgot about boobies. Enter humiliation. Actually, Dan didn't hear it so maybe the doctor did see or hear anything?
More recent favorites from Emma:
Elmo!!!!, no mine!, mean, meanie (sensing a pattern here?), movie, E-E (Ernie), Birds, cars, walk, out, up, oppul (apple) juice, and NO BARKING!
Currently loves and hates (and believe me there is no in betweenies) :
Loves: mommy, tubby! being naked, going outside, stickers, dried cranberries, raisins and blueberries. She won't touch chicken with a 10 foot pole, hates carrots and sleeping in her own bed.
Biggest changes in Emma recently: OPINIONS and lots of them!
On an important note. We learned that the tube in Emma's left ear has fallen out and she has two (wait for it) EAR INFECTIONS. Shocking. She will have to have that tube replaced because her ears are still a big problem to my little Emma. There is only one thing I hate more than Elmo and that is ear infections!
Carrots do something for children’s vision. Kids can spot carrots no matter how you disguise them.-Anon
A toddler believes that if you love a person, you stay with that person 100 percent of the time.-Lawrence Balter
The fundamental job of a toddler is to rule the universe -Lawrence Balter
LOVE the boobie story:) I hate that she has two ear infections :(
Does Dr. B by chance stand for Dr. Brough?
Dr. Boel :)
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