Apr 29, 2010

Potty Training Confusion

Emma is starting to show some signs that she might be getting ready to start potty training. I LOVE the idea of never having to buy diapers again. I do not love the process. Today was a failed attempt. It goes something like this. I warn you. If you are eating, you should leave and come back later...

Emma demanded to have her diaper off and she wanted to sit on "Emma Potty" so I removed her diaper and she sat on her potty every 5-10 minutes consuming half a bag of jelly beans in the process. I was proud. The bribery was working....

I got distracted for a minute when the phone rang. Literally, ONE minute.

Emma ran into Daisy's cage, closed the door and pooped right square in the middle of it. I became aware of the situation when I heard her say, "Look Dais! Look!!"

I won't sugar coat it......Daisy ate the poo. It happened so fast. It really did. Like a blur.

Emma was horrified and totally peeved at Daisy. I wanted to put them both in time out and spend an hour vomiting that vision out of my brain.

Now the dog has gas, really really bad gas. The End.


Tricia said...

That is hilarious!! Mackenzie will only pee on the potty and after reading this that might not be such a bad thing for now!

rbeasley said...

Oh my gosh! I have no words for a comment! It can only get better, right?

Shawna said...

Your posts really have a way of making me laugh hysterically. Thank you for that!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

OMGoodness!!!! Bless your heart. That is hilarious though.

Kurt & Kristi said...

LMAO, what no pictures???!!!

Rasmussen Family said...

Hilarious!!!! Dogs eat poo and that's just how it is. Hahaha. Potty training? What's that?