Last night Dan and I took Emma to her very first swimming lesson!
I decided We agreed that since I took Emma to gymnastics it would be Dan who would put on the old swimming trunks and dive into this one (pun intended). :)
Emma was super excited about swimming lessons. She asked for 2 months if it was "June yet?" She was also a very overconfident big talker, declaring she would jump off the side into the pool etc. This all changed when she stuck her big toe in the water. At that moment the expression on her face changed from confidence to terror. She tried to tell Dan she was just going to watch the other kids. She finally loosened up a little with about 10 minutes left in the lesson. Then it was over and she cried because she didn't want to go home.
I think all 3 of us are curious about what will happen next week.
So happy-impatiently waiting to go in...
Walking into the pool with daddy....
checking in....nerves are kicking in
Total Freak Out-MOOMMMMYYY!
Death Grip
Finally having favorite picture :)