Jun 3, 2011

Riggs Family Picnic

We traveled to Dan's hometown last weekend to attend a friend's wedding on Saturday. Being the multi-tasker that she is, Dan's mom hosted our crazy family (including the dog) AND planned a picnic the following day. These are some pictures from the picnic :)

enjoying the weather..

Chef Bubba :)
Emma's Bubba helping her use the super soaker that
was way too big for her..
Emma and her cousin Carli (Carli is older than Emma..) playing
in the back of Bubba's truck.
They combine their girl power to make extra naughtiness
Emma and "baby Brayden" The unspoken sign that Emma loves you is that she will touch your "earg." She loves ear lobes. I'm not sure why... Holding baby B is uncle Don (Bubba's twin, otherwise known to Emma as "The Other Bubba"

1 comment:

Emily said...

Great pics! It was so nice to see all of you!