Mar 28, 2012

Life Updates

I should probably be ashamed, but I'm not. After all, I'm pregnant. That is my new excuse for everything. Just ask my husband. Blogging has seriously taken a back seat to everything else, so I'm attempting a super post that will sum up the last two months in a few pages.

Krista Update
I'm currently 18.5 weeks pregnant. Finally, finally, finally, the nausea has stopped. I believe this was punishment for bragging about how I was never sick with Emma. Universe, message received. I'm not sure the 'your so sick your going to die if you don't eat (a ton)/you just ate something and now you are so sick you are going to die' cycle did it, but so far it has packed on a hefty (and I mean that literally) 17 pounds on my body (well its really 16.5 since baby weighs 0.5 now). When I was pregnant with Emma I was delusional. I was so happy to be pregnant that I just loved my pregnant body. This time around, I am avoiding mirrors, most scales, and every camera lens pointed in my direction.

This time around I decided I had enough surprises with Emma, I did not want anymore and went forward with some testing my doctor recommended. The irony of this statement begins with the fact that this pregnancy, was a surprise. So I did a cystic fibrosis test and was found to be a carrier of the deltaF508 mutation. Cystic fibrosis is a recessive genetic disorder meaning you have to have 2 mutated copies of the gene to be affected. 1:25 Caucasians are carriers and don't know it and coincidentally most affected babies are born to parents who didn't know they carried the mutation/have no family history. Try telling this to a bitterly divorced parent who swears it came from the "other" side of the family (seriously). Fortunately, Dan's genetic test indicated he is not a carrier of any of the known mutations. This means that Emma, and new baby will have a 50/50 chance at being a carriers. In the end, I'm not really sure I am a proponent of this test. Maybe had I done it before I was pregnant, we could have had Dan's test out of the way and less to worry about. Doing the test while pregnant wasn't going to change anything so it only brought on additional stress. Just a FYI. I had weeks to scour the internet about the disease and the need for a cure.

Emma Update
Emma is in the loop now for the baby. I think she thinks her baby sister looks like a freak based on the black and white and hard to interpret ultrasound pictures we have shown her. She has suggested a few baby names including Professor (if it was a boy), Smurfet, and the always popular, Poopy Head. She also told me last night that I was a "big fat lady with a big belly," which is always heart warming.

Behavior. Oh where or where do I even begin. Lets start with the trip to Target that almost resulted in Dan being arrest for child abduction. It goes like this. Emma picks out a butterfly net, Emma swing net around and hits people/object, Butterfly net gets taken away until out of the store, and all hell breaks loose. Picture this (all in the entrance/check out lane area). Emma, with a death grip on her net, running circles around me trying to avoid Dan. Dan in hot pursuit. Finally he gets her (but only after she trips a passing elderly man), removes her net from her little Jedi grip, and carries her out of the store. She screams at the top of her lungs "I want my mommy! Mommy, Mommy! Let me go! You are hurting me! HELP!" I have never seen so many walkie-talkie toting trigger happy people wearing red in all my life. But don't worry, once they saw the humiliated figure quickly following behind everyone relaxed, cancelled their code "kidnapping", and commented on how "cute" she was. If I could have melted and disappeared into the cracks on the sidewalk, I would have. I'm too tired just writing that to go onto the dramatic pelvic thrusting moves that kept us in the parking lot trying to get her buckled in her seat for 30 minutes.....or the 20 minutes of kicking the back of my seat on the ride home....or the fact that Dan had to make a beer run on the way home just to keep from going crazy. I will tell you however, it is possible to laugh hysterically and cry at the same time (that was me). At least the 2 hour time out/nap time we enforced made time for a movie.... That was just the morning. The afternoon was pretty quiet.

Daisy Update
Tore her acl in her right knee this time. ugh.

Dan Update
Dan is just trying to survive :-) He is looking forward to carrying out two screaming girls in a year or so....
until next time enjoy some updated photos of the baby girl who will hopefully have a name before she leaves the hospital and my first baby girl.

The estrogen dominance continues!
Baby hand waving "hi"
the little wiggly worm
foot and leg
chest, belly, leg and foot
A recent trip to the zoo. They are both animals.
Emma the monster
On our way to Disney Live!


Kurt & Kristi said...

See if you moved to ny and closer to me, you could do what I do, ask poppa willson to babysit the toddler diva while go shopping,this way the humiliation can be saved for at home when she tells you "you're fat"! haha, I laugh because I can, and yes I know Piper will do this to me at some point which is why I leave her home as much as possible!! haha love you :)

Emily said...

OMG! I was cracking up while reading the part about Target and then realized this is my future! Hope Daisy heels quickly. Tell Dan he should get a kegerator installed:) Love you 5!

Kristin said...

Another little girl!! How exciting!!! :) I'm actually expecting too (due the end of Oct!). I haven't announced it on my blog yet, but I figured no one would see this comment! :) I'm currently right smack in the middle of morning (all day) sickness and I'm just counting down to when I feel better!! Glad you're feeling me a little hope that feeling better is right around the corner! :)

Kristin said...

OH and I was laughing at the Target story...sounds wayyyy to familiar!! Kenzie's worst tantrum was at Burger King and I actually had to crawl under a booth to drag her out while she was screaming, kicking, hitting, was awful! lol