Jun 16, 2012

30 weeks today!

 Today, I am exactly 30 weeks pregnant!  We are so relieved to be here as 30 weeks is a pretty big milestone to get to (pregnancy wise).  According to most sites (and on average), baby Riggsatoni #2 is weighing in at 3 pounds and measuring 15.7 inches long.  Lately, she has been practicing her karate. 

29 weeks
 I have received 11 progesterone shots in the old caboose for 11 weeks straight, have been to 11 Dr. appointments, 1 high risk consult, and 2 admissions to labor and deliver.  Being pregnant this time around feels like another full time job!  Yesterday, was not all that special when I started feeling contractions....

Behold, my irritable uterus! (Baby's heartbeat was in the 140s)

This was my reward for an hour of being monitored, an exam, and an ultrasound... (the sweet profile of my baby girl).  I'm starting to think she is a little high maintenance :)
 So they changed my medication to around the clock and sent me home.  The contractions I'm having aren't really organized enough to change my cervix or cause *real* labor (FYI, these *fake* ones still hurt like the real deal).  They don't really know if they could cause my water to break again so we are waiting to see.  Some people think that these constant contractions (since week 23 for me) stress and weaken the amniotic sac.  No bed rest (woohoo!).  Another day, another insurance claim, and all for a good cause.

 My other high maintenance baby is growing like a weed!  She is 42 inches tall and weighing in at 49 pounds.       She is really excited to tell every that when she stands up straight she comes up to "mommy's boobies."  She is really into swimming (the water park), birthday parties (unfortunately, she has missed a couple because of "mommy's belly"), loves Diego and Mike the Knight, and has been perfecting her skills in family "dance offs" and games of musical chairs with her daddy...and two chairs.  She isn't a great loser at this stage.  She is really excited about becoming a big sister, but also anxious.  She said last week before bed with tears in her eyes "I don't want baby sister to pop out yet."  When I asked her why, she said very quietly "because I don't want to be big, I want to stay little like I am now."  She melts my heart.  Once I convinced her she wasn't going to morph into a full time working adult the day her sister is born, she relaxed a little :)

Dan is still trying to survive taking care of a panicked preggo and being a super dad.  Emma doesn't know how lucky she is.

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