Sep 26, 2012

New Mila Pics

Mila is now nearly 7 weeks (tomorrow)!  She is doing well.  She has developed GERD and Colic (lucky, lucky).  She likes to sleep all day and scream all night.

This thing is called the "nap nanny"  It is the ONLY thing she
will sleep in.  She cannot lie flat.

 Mila is much more alert now.  She even smiled her
first smile at Emma the other day.  Which was generous
considering I find Emma pinching her feet when she is jealous.

One of her many "looks"  She makes so many different faces
she almost can look like a different baby in pictures. She
has crazy fluffy curly hair after it has been washed.

Most of the time (when she feels good) she is really quiet and just observes.
I'm convinced she thinks she is a hostage in a very weird home...which is
kinda true.

sometimes she looks like this...You do NOT want 
to be in my home between the hours of 7pm and 12am.


Kurt & Kristi said...

You can send little miss colicky Mila to me, I spent many, many nights walking, humming, and patting Piper's bottom to try to soothe her. If I lived closer I'd take over for you!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Love all the different expressions she makes!