Dec 18, 2012

Mila's 4 month stats on 12-12-12

Mila's pediatrician's appointment was on 12-12-12.  She weighed 12lbs, 12oz.  She was the talk of the entire office, seriously.

length: 23.25 inches

height:  25th percentile
weight: 24th percentile
head:  25th percentile

At her four month appointment, Emma was 2 inches longer and 3 pounds heavier (Emma is 100th percentile for height and weight).  We are also fighting the same right sided preference that Emma had; really trying to avoid the helmet.

Mimi (as we lovingly call her) is such a sweet baby.  Here are a few of her "recents"
1.  babbling (or battle cry as it sounds like at 5am)
2.  playing with her feet/sucking her toes
3.  SMILES (until bed time, then watch out, especially if your name is Dan)
4.  not a big eater, loathes the bottle, considers hunger strikes an appropriate tool for protest.
5.  loves mirrors, tolerates bath time, hates her crib
6.  drool machine

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