Today I thought I would go that extra mile and take a shower. Then I remember why I didn't take one yesterday and vow not to take one tomorrow. The scenario:
Krista 1: "okay, baby is asleep. Take a shower"
Krista 2: "what if she wakes up. She has been sleeping for a while"
Krista 1: "I can be fast"
-grab towel, sprint to shower
Emma: "huh" and baby "grunt"
Krista 2: "told you so"
Krista 1: "no she's still sleeping"
-Jump in shower.
Krista 1: "oh no. What's that noise"
Krista 2: "baby's awake. you didn't even wash your hair. total waste of time"
-Jump out of shower dripping wet check on Emma. Still sleeping. Jump back into shower
-Rinse soap out of my hair to find the dog is half way in the shower, taking a shower. I yell at her. She backs out but keeps her head in the water. (Dan's her only boss)
-Turn water off. Dry self, dry floor, dry Daisy (make mental note to get Dan a new towel)
-Run out of bathroom to check on baby, still sleeping
Repeat with laundry, cooking, bills, and writing. Must now end this blog entry. I think I hear the baby...........
A picture is worth a thousand words! (Daisy with wet head)