Oct 12, 2008

How well do you sleep at night?

It seems that Emma induced sleep deprivation has helped Dan and I sleep like rocks.  Yes, so much so that these "rocks" were unaware that someone walked past our 2 cars in the driveway, entered our home through an unlocked door (accident), riffled through our things, and stole credit cards all while we slept a mere 15 feet away.  Yes.  You read that correctly.  The worst part is that we didn't even know it had happened until the next afternoon and only because the credit card companies started calling.  We went to bed at 12am Wed and Emma was up at 1am and 3am.  Our cards were first used in Louisville at 2:57am so we think they were in the house between 1 and 2:30am.  I can say that when I realized what happened I almost threw up.  What's that?  Oh, yes we do have a dog.  A labradoodle.  Her name is Daisy.  We are trading her in for a pittbull....named Kujo.  In her defense, baby has made her exhausted as well.  So as the responsible and' scared straight" home owners that we are, we are investing in a security system.  


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

I'm still in shock. Just glad that you are okay. I can't imagine how violated you must feel.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, Krista, thank god you are all ok, how scary!!

rbeasley said...

Oh my goodness that is horrible! I would be scared out of my mind! Glad everyone is ok.

Anonymous said...

Jesus... Sherrif Riggs, you better get on top things!!! Im glad you guys are okay though

Anonymous said...

Geezlupeez, Krista!!!! You guys must have been truly exhausted to sleep through something like that. I'm soooooo glad that all members of the Riggs family are unharmed. Any leads on the perp??