Oct 29, 2008

Baby Wolverine Strikes Again!

This week I've been a little MIA from blogging.  I'm trying to finish my dissertation and so Dan and I have been splitting the work day.  He goes to work around 5-6am and works until noon or so, when we do a switch-a-roo and then I go to work for the rest of the day.  How great is Dan for getting up so early!?!  

While I'm at work Dan has to warm up bottles for Emma.  They haven't quite gotten their rhythm yet (meaning get the milk warm before MissE wakes up famished!).  Emma isn't very patient when it comes to her food.  She woke up and attacked Dan like a hungry animal.  He grabbed the camera so he could film "wolverines in the wild" for the nature channel:)  Notice his little yelp at the end....he should just be glad it was his arm she attacked!


rbeasley said...

Looks like she is getting ready for Halloween!

Anonymous said...

I only watched this 3 times, and was cracking up with Danny! She's a hungry girl!!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

That video is hilarious!

Hows the dissertation coming?