Oct 22, 2008

Girls Vaccine Day

RSV and the flu don't scare us anymore!  Emma got her first RSV shot today and boy was it a doozie!  It was the biggest shot I've ever seen.  It looked like they injected a gallon of liquid into poor MissE's little leg.  It was like adding insult to injury since she just got two shots last week.  She cried big crocodile tears and screamed at the top of her lungs.  I picked her up and she gave me this look like "mommy how could you let her do that to me..again?"  Then we hopped in the car and I went  to get a flu shot. 

We have to move Emma's bed to the other side of our bed tonight.  She likes to sleep looking in our direction so her little noggin is getting flat on one side.  The medical term is Plagiocephaly.  You can click on the big word to learn more.  Hopefully, we can correct it by just having her sleep on the other side.  If not, then she will have to either look like a freakazoid or wear a cranial band to correct it.  Not to worry, this is pretty common since the 90s when doctors started recommending putting babies to sleep on their back to prevent SIDS.

Also worth sharing is this blog the life of Suz.  It is the story of a couple that were blessed with Quads!  Whenever I feel like life is getting hectic with baby.  I just click on her blog and stare in awe at how she handles 4!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I checked out the blog of the quads, I couldn't imagine, how crazy that must be to have 4 babies!!