Nov 1, 2009

Over the past 11 days, Emma has endured 11 days of a hide-and-go-seek fever, runny nose, congestion, coughing, 2 different antibiotics forced on her daily, an ear infection, more tylenol than any kid should ever take, 3 trips to her pediatrician, a chest xray, an "oops" we need another angle 2nd chest xray (I'll get to why this is traumatic in a second), blood tests, 3 cotton swabs shoved up her nose, one shoved down her throat, and a thermometer shoved up her (well, you know). During these tests she barfed on her mom and confirmed my suspicions that I am the worst torturing mother ever. This all resulted in a sketchy chest xray that is highly suggestive of pneumonia. We are still waiting on a couple of other tests including one for mono. Thankfully, Emma seems to be responding well to the antibiotics.

Now onto the chest xray. I will first say that Emma is not a novice at xrays. She's had head and neck xrays (before the helmet period) and xrays on her hips (when she wasn't even attempting to crawl at 10 months), BUT this was NOTHING like those xrays. She had to sit in this contraption and let me tell was NOT pretty. I found this picture on the web and I suspect he is a child actor because Emma was not even 1% this collected when she was in it!! She looked like a little prisoner of war. I felt so bad for her. Oh, and we have to do this again next week to make sure the pneumonia is gone. Lucky. lucky us. P.S. we love our pediatrician who called us everyday to see how Emma was doing.


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Poor sweet girl! She has been in my prayers. I hope she feels better soon.

Tricia said...

oh my god that thing looks aweful!! Poor Emma!