Jan 18, 2010

Dinner and a Movie

Actually, lunch and a movie. Here are a few pictures I managed to take today while Emma was eating her lunch (beans and peas, her favorites) while watching Shrek 2 (also her favorite, I shudder when saying, typing, or thinking of Shrek!). I was very excited when I borrowed the batteries from the remote, and my camera turned on!! I thought I was so brilliant, until the batteries died after about 10 pictures (again)! To the dismay of my check book it still looks like I will need to buy a new camera. I'd like to say that while I've been camera free I've learned the importance of living in the moment as opposed to capturing the moment. Yeah, I would defiantly like to say that....and I would by lying, lying, lying! I'm seriously going into picture with drawl, although I think the rest of my family is happy!

That's right, I'm that mom!
"mom, you're kinda in the way"
Someone is always sick these days! Emma
is getting really good at wiping her nose...
and other things........
"Yeah, it's my new favorite thing"


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

love all the pics - she is such a cutie

Emily said...

Miss you Emma!