Jan 26, 2010

To cosleep or not to cosleep, that is the question!

Emma will be a year and a half in two weeks, and she is still sleeping with us. I think she slept a total of 5 nights in her own crib and that is probably a generous estimate. It was totally worth all the money we spent on the crib and bedding. That's a few hundred dollars I should have used to invest in a bigger bed!

Cosleeping is pretty controversial so I'm just going to state my experience/opinion. I'm not saying it is the right thing for everyone, but for a long time it was right for us. First there are dangers of soft bedding, pillows and exhausted parents to a newborn that I am aware of. Emma did sleep in a bassinet for a long time because of this. When I went back to work I was tired, and it just was more convenient for her to be in our bed for feedings. I also had some working mommy guilt and felt like that was our special time to cuddle. I couldn't be there for her during the day so I wanted her to see me and feel me next to her at night. I wanted her to feel secure, and I missed her.

In my opinion, this created a very strong bond between Emma and myself. I was comfortable, she was comfortable. That is not the case anymore! She is kicking, spinning and doing a little karate in her sleep. None of us are waking up rested. It's true, if she was already sleeping in her bed we wouldn't be dealing with this now. It's true, she is older and has a stronger personality. There are some draw backs such as I think it encouraged her to wake up in the middle of the night for milk (which she still does) and she now REALLY wants me to be there when she wakes up.

So we are starting the transition to her own bed. I think it is time. Emma is starting to sleep in her own bed. Okay, it is really her mattress next to our bed, but it is a start. I wish it wasn't so cold. I worry about her. And I check on her a hundred time during the night, because I never got used to her being on her own either......and I have to put her back after she falls off the mattress at least 5 times every night.

Stay tuned for updates on our latest challenge! (P.S. I just realized the outlet cover is missing in this picture and it has been replaced!)


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Such an angel!! I love that little girl. Good luck on the transition.

Anonymous said...

Sam slept with us until just before Kindergarten. It is true that from about 1-3 they are very active sleepers...seemed to bother Don more than me. Anyway, I wouldn't have had it any other way! Believe me that do leave and want you less the older they get.