Jan 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Our little circus is still here in Cleveland, NY but we are preparing for the long tour home tomorrow. We have had such a great time here (as usual), and I'm always a little sad to leave. There is a big chance that I will spend a few hours of our trip home discussing 101 reasons why we should move closer to our families :) Needless to say we always enjoy spending the last days of a year (2009) and the first of a new year (2010) with our family. Holidays are just so much more fun since Emma joined the party!

We are happy to report that 2009 was the quiet year we were hoping for. Of course, that is relative I guess. Here is just a quick recap......Emma said "bye-bye" to ear infections (if only temporarily) after getting tubes, became a cranial band queen with the most beautiful (if slightly misshapen head), graduated from the infant room into the toddler room (yes, I am including this. I'm her mom and I'm proud!), survived mono, double ear infections (they're baaack) and walking pneumonia at the same time (go big or go home as they say), accomplished many many first including birthday, beach vacation, carousels etc. Dan continues to rock his biostatistics courses ending last semester with a 4.0! I continue to love my job, and I think we have done a great job at finding a rhythm with our busy schedules. This year we have made a resolution to get that bossy baby into her own bed! (all of you veteran moms can start laughing now)

May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions. ~Joey Adams

Happy New Year!!

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