Jan 23, 2010

Friday Night Fun

Tonight we came home and tried as hard as we could to distract Emma from her latest and greatest obsession (Shrek). Lately she eats dinner and begs nonstop to go into bed and watch it until she falls asleep (a painful repeat of the first 30 min..every night). Tonight I couldn't take the sight of that green Ogre so Dan took a turn :)

Emma is quite a toddler these days. It is so exciting to see her develop but part of me gets a little sad about how fast she is growing up. She is NOT a baby anymore. Ahem, she has her own "opinions" now. I even got a little nostalgic today and looked through her baby pictures, back to the days where she couldn't speak, yell, cry, or steal the yellow mustard out of the fridge and dart all over the house with it yelling "NO! MINE!!!"

Tonight Emma ate mac & cheese (nana Riggs recipe, yummy), ham, green beans, half an apple and juice for dinner. She can seriously pack away the food. She now says "Umm!" when she likes something. Other new things I want to get documented before I forget:

1. Emma weights 29.2 lb and is ~33 inches tall (97% for both height and weight)
2. Says new words of Momeeee (no more mama), opple (apple), peassse (please), Taaaank yeeeee (Thank you), EAT! (also does the sign for eat), toes, belly, donnKEY! (donkey, Thanks to Shrek), car, ball, ouch, brrr, and hot (as she licks the outside of the oven door)
3. can tell you what a hyena says (high pitch laughing that her daddy taught her)
4. she is now starting to sleep through the night without needing a "baba" (sippy cup with milk, don't even try to trick her with water!)

Emma hopes they will be best friends forever.....
Daisy hopes Emma will drop that apple slice
If this picture doesn't speak for itself,
I don't know what else to say!


Meredith and Adrian said...

LOOOOVE the hair! Loove the outfit! Such a fashionista!

The Riggs said...

she has a good stylist :)