Jan 9, 2010

Perfect Saturdays and the letter "B"

Today is Saturday and I live for Saturdays! Not because I get to sleep in (up at 6:30am today) or because I have an exciting life with a booming agenda (I didn't leave the house). I love it because I get to relax and spend time with my family without the morning rush to get out of the house or the evening rush to get everything ready for the next morning rush. It is so fun to spend time with Emma during her best hours as opposed to the evening when she is hungry and tired (and I am hungry and tired). Today we built living room forts, played in her tunnel, diapered her babies, chased each other around, did laundry (where I put the clothes in the drawers and she takes them out), tried new foods (raisins, you are suddenly very popular), and watched the exact same movie we have been watching every night for the past month or more. It was the best Saturday. If my camera was still alive I would post one of the many perfect pictures from our perfect Saturday. In other news, Emma is growing and developing by leaps and bounds! Here are a couple of facts about the star of this blog:

1. She LOVES the letter B and all things associated with it. It is very very strange. B words compose the majority of her vocabulary with baby, beans, babba, Bubba, bye-bye, bubbles, and the most recent "boobies" as her favorites. In the future I will lapse into a fake nap before I answer anymore questions about the human body especially if it is a word she will share with her daycare class :)
2. Beans are her favorite food (it's a "B"!). In order of most liked to least are kidney beans, black beans, great norther beans, green beans. How could you really pick a favorite out of that group?
3. Emma is talking in her sleep now (she dreams a lot about Daisy and babbas)
4. Today she tried cinnamon raisin swirl bread and she can't get enough. She ate 3 slices today. She also tried oatmeal raisin cookies. It could be a raisin thing, although she hasn't met a cookie she didn't love (she gets this from me).
5. She is obsessed with pointing out ears, eyes, nose and mouth. You have to be careful because she isn't very gentle and you usually get her sticky fingers shoved in each, in that exact order.
6. She now demands to go into bed (my bed) at 7pm to watch Shrek2 before falling asleep. She makes in until Shrek takes the "Happily Every After Potion." It drives me crazy, but it works.


Anonymous said...

What about "blueberries?"

The Riggs said...

Yes the all time favorite blueberries! Right now they are a "forbidden word" because we don't have any!!! :)

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

She is growing up so fast! And I love the days when we can focus only on those that count the most :)

Mrs.A said...

Oh, I wish your camera wasn't broken, because your blog really needs a video of Emma saying "boobies"!!

The Riggs said...

Amy, it is better in person :)