Jan 24, 2010


No. Your eyes are not deceiving you. Emma is wearing my bra around her neck like some little brazier super hero. She does this every time we fold clothes (and I do try to hide them).

I think this is another case of her almost (but not quite) getting it. She walks around with my bras and says "mommee" "boobies" like she is taking them out for a walk. As if they are detachable!!! Well, I guess she isn't completely wrong considering most of my bras are padded. :)

She also loves to wear underwear on her head. I must be doing something wrong.....


Emily said...

She is sooo freaking funny!

Shawna said...

She is absolutely adorable! Thanks for posting regularly, I love reading them :-)

Kurt & Kristi said...

I wouldn't worry about her wearing a bra and underpants on the outside until she's a teenager!!

Meredith and Adrian said...