Jan 21, 2010

Waking up on the Right side of the Bed

Emma is definitely a clone of her daddy. By the time 7pm rolls around she is grouchy and begging to go to sleep. The mornings are a different story all together. She wakes up ready to take on the day. My favorite moment of the day is seeing her wake up and smile (second favorite is when she falls asleep :). Next she assesses where everyone is by asking "Deezy? Mommy, Dadda, babba?" (how is that for priorities!) After the best husband in the world takes her out into the kitchen, I stretch out and try desperately to go back to sleep without anyone noticing. It has never worked. What kind of punishment is this anyway to be the only non-morning person in the family?? I digress. After I take a shower, I emerge from the bedroom to a morning house party!

grasping the concept of "sharing"
a little too well...
seriously the most extreme
morning person I've ever known
This smile does wake me up. I love this girl!
a morning wii fitness routine?
check out those abs! The five seconds on the
Wii is definitely paying off!

This is a video of Emma starting the morning off with a waffle and some dancing. If only I could be this happy in the morning!! She can really get into it. I didn't catch the best part today.
A very special THANKS! to my friend Debbie who was so sweet and brought
me her camera yesterday! It was like being reunited with an old friend!


Debbie Corbin said...

I am just so happy to see that it takes great smiling Emma pics and dancing video.

rbeasley said...

I wish I could be that happy in the morning too! She is such a cutie!